
international conference in solidarity with peoples under racial discrimination معنى

  • المؤتمر الدولي للتضامن مع الشعوب التي ترزختحت سيطرة التمييز العنصري
  • international    adj. دولي, عالمي; ...
  • conference    n. مؤتمر, اتحاد, ت ...
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • in solidarity    تضام; تضامن; تضامن ...
  • solidarity    n. تضامن, تكافل, ت ...
  • with    prep. مع, لدى, و, ...
  • peoples    أقوام; أمم; اقوام; ...
  • under    adj. سفلي; adv. تح ...
  • racial    adj. عرقي, عنصري; ...
  • discrimination    n. تمييز, تمييز في ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. international conference for the independence of namibia and the eradication of apartheid معنى
  2. international conference for the liberation of southern africa and against apartheid معنى
  3. international conference for the mobilization of donor support for guinea معنى
  4. international conference for the protection of war victims معنى
  5. international conference in solidarity with front-line states معنى
  6. international conference in solidarity with the front-line states and for national liberation and peace in southern africa معنى
  7. international conference in solidarity with the palestinian people معنى
  8. international conference in solidarity with the struggle of the people of namibia معنى
  9. international conference in support of the liberation movements of southern africa and in solidarity with the front-line states معنى
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